I was having a good week, a happy positive productive week. Last Friday, I received an email from my xyz (my Service/Assistance Dog Organisation) letting me know that Z my Psychiatric Service Dog was due to do her PAT (Public Access Test) Renewal Test in November. It went on to tell me how much it would cost, when I would receive the invoice and asked for me to contact them if any circumstances had changed information wise since her last PAT test. And if I needed a time extension before Z did her PAT, for me to contact our assessor. Blah Blah Blah … We’re happy to help. I thought to myself ‘Bullshit!’

So I responded to their email on the same day:

Good morning, 

I’m responding to an email I received concerning Z’s upcoming PAT test.  

Forgive me but I’m confused, because in a phone conversation with xyz in March of this year, (after false complaints made against Z, Q and myself).  It was made very clear to me that Zeeva had to retire at the end of this year.  

After all the years that we have been loyal xyz members, I am deeply disappointed by this decision.  Z loves her work and her vet sees no reason why she should stop just yet. 


Back in March of this year 2022 I had a problem with a person on Instagram. To understand this update, best to read Keyboard Warriors first.

You and I are told to handle people who harass us on social media by ignoring their comments, hiding the comment, blocking and deleting them. On my Facebook page ‘narcissist truth’ I do it all the time. I’m becoming somewhat of an expert at ‘hide, ban and delete’ with all the spam that’s constantly put on the page. As annoying as the spam is, it does serves a purpose as it’s attracting people to the page, but unfortunately not the people that I want to attract, that is those who will like and stay.

My heart and soul waited for a phone call, maybe they would check on me as I was extremely upset (is an understatement) or maybe an apology for the way I was treated (by my xyz organisation) that of course, never came. The entire situation in March made me very sick emotional and physically … Hey, I don’t have a Psychiatric Service Dog for the fun of it! … Yes, I used to be a confident self assured, go get it, don’t f with me, independent woman who wasn’t scared of anything, I even owned my own real estate agency. Nowadays, I can’t walk out the door without Z.

Over the past 9 nearly 10 years I have made many friends who also have Assistance/Service Dogs. 3 of which are now very dear friends and we stay in regular contact. 2 of these knew about what happened in March and they were also very disappointed with how it was handled by xyz. Especially as we were all members of xyz together, that’s how we met.

My loving husband has been telling me since I got Q as a puppy at 12 weeks, to go independent and not with xyz as I know what I’m doing now after 9-10 years with Z. And Q can work under the DDA Act 1992 Section 9(c) here in Australia.

Q now in training

I spoke with another friend, who knows everything there is to know in this area and she only enforced this with me. She also reminded me that she tried to tell me this many years ago, but I still stayed with xyz …

Now my head knowns this, but my brain still argued that I should stay with xyz, just in case.

Now I’m thinking, ‘just in case what?’ …’they couldn’t even support me when I needed their support after 9 years!’

Yesterday I received a response to my email:

Hi K,

I am sorry that you were under the impression that Z needed to retire. It is up to you and Z’s Vet. 14years is a good time but if she is well and enjoying work that is ok.

I think from the Vets report she should be retiring soon. I am thinking of Z’s well being only. 

I thought you would be changing over to Q to be a xyz.

The COD form is not filled in. If you want Q to become a xyz you need to fill that in and retire Z.

Nothing is meant to disappoint you K. The complaint was out of my hands and it was targetting you because of your page with your dogs. There are some very strange people out there and I have to deal with them.

I hope you aren’t unhappy with us we are just thinking of Z.

Just in case you do not have the CoD form, I am attaching it too


By the time I had read their response, my entire body was cold, my hands were shaking, tears were distorting my vision and anger had built up inside me to a level that the first word I said started with ‘f’.

My husband was asleep and I had to talk to someone, so I jumped on Messenger and got in touch with a fellow Assistance/Service Dog friend … My message started with “I’m F$#king furious!” … Yep, I had been tipped over the edge again.

Now I know you may look at that and not see anything wrong. In March, the person who wrote this email demanded that Z retire this year and that Q was assessed ASAP to see if she was a suitable candidate for xyz … Z turns 13 this month, September and still loves doing what she does … Little dogs like her can live up to 16-18 years of age, so if she wanted and wasn’t in any pain or discomfort she could keep working for another year or two.

They then deflected blame back to me. ‘The complain was out of my hands’. Well it certianly wasn’t mine, I didn’t make it!

‘It was targetting you because of your page with your dogs’, so I got reported to xyz because I had an Instagram page. I was told previously by xyz that I should cancel Z and Q’s social media accounts. So people can’t say anything. That may solve the problem for xyz yes.

‘There are some very strange people out there and I have to deal with them’. Excuse me you have an organisation that is supposed to be helping people with psychiatric/and or other medical problems, if you cannot deal with that, maybe you 1) shouldn’t be responding to client emails, 2) remember what your organisation is supposed to be about, or 3) step down/aside.

And yes, f$#k yes I am bloody unhappy with xyz and you’re not thinking of Z’s wellbeing. you’re thinking of yourself, your organisations reputation and financial situation, and being extremely low and petty by passing blame back onto the victim (me).

And hell NO, I’m not filling in the CoD form, as I don’t want to be apart of an organisation that can’t and won’t support it’s members that have been with them long term.

I don’t intend to reply to that email. This is my reaction and response …

That email tormented me for 48 hours and the only way for me to get it out of my system without abusing the shit out of the person concerned (which would do me absolutely no good at all) was to do as my daughter and my husband say ‘let it out/go’. Enough is enough. I’ve been awake since 3am. I’m totally over this whole situation! As they say, ‘I don’t need this shit!’

It’s amazing how people can either forget what they have said to you OR backtrack OR make out they didn’t say it in the first place … Hey, yes I know a narc does that all the time and I was thinking exactly that while I was reading the email and fuming …

I know in my heart and soul I didn’t do anything wrong, I wasn’t in Bundaberg, over 4.5 hours (400kms) from where we live, to warrant the harassment I received. I should never of received a phone call from xyz grilling/interrogating me about my whereabouts, then demanding Z retires and Q is assessed. I’m so glad my husband was home and heard/witnessed the entire phone call, as I had it on speaker, and he stepped in on several occasions I might add.

Z with me at one of my doctors appointments.

Please, if anyone you don’t know, ever harasses you on social media, try not to take it personally, I know it’s not easy.

People think they are giants behind their computer screens and that they can crush the life out of others with striking a few letters on their keyboards. Take a screenshot so you have proof of what was said, report them, then hide, block/ban them and delete the comment/s depending on the social media platform you’re on. Then try not to let them get to you.

Once I blocked that person in Bundaberg, I honestly didn’t give her a second thought until xyz called the next day. Now I personally hope Karma catches up with her, because she’s has given me so many sleepless nights, illness, major anger issues, and again, my anxiety just isn’t great at the moment at all.

Basically the heartache and grief this person I’ve never met should never of affected me, but sadly in this day and age due to social media it has. This was a personal attack against myself and my furbabies, where the ‘narcissistic truth’ page isn’t so what goes on there doesn’t affect me in that way. I’ve now had to learn to protect myself, I screenshot anything I think I may need to keep as evidence (which I save in a file I don’t look in again) then I hide, ban and delete their asses. Thankfully, things have been quiet lately.

I’m not going to cancel my social media because it makes it easier for xyz. It’s because of social media that the public now know that Chihuahuas/and or little dogs in general can be Service/Assistance Dogs and they are bloody awesome at it! … Z and I promoted xyz on our social media, it was in her name, and we had their details on her cards that we have given out for over 9 years … Who knows how many people over those years have contacted them because of Z?

And now this is how they treat us. Goodbye xyz … I’m owner training and we’re going independent …

Stay safe xxx

©Narcissistic Truth & Klea

BTW: Legally, I do not need to retire Z while I’m training Q, that is a requirement of xyz. So while I’m owner training and independent, Z can continue to be my Psychiatric Service Dog for as long as Z’s vet, Z and I feel that she is health wise and physical able. Please remember that we are located in Australia, your government rules and regulations may differ greatly in each country.